Waterfront New Orleans Wedding - Carly and Rusty

Bride Film is getting back to blogging y’all! This crazy year of 2020 just keeps flying by with new surprises around every corner. We’re looking back at Carly and Rusty’s wedding on the water in New Orleans this past summer…back when hopes of a Covid free life started floating through our heads. It was our first wedding shooting again since early March! We never could have imagined the challenges 2020 has brought all of us, but we truly feel for our couples who have had to change their wedding plans. Here’s to hoping and feeling that good things are on the way for 2021! And at least we can still decorate for the holidays now right?!

Back to this good thing - Carly and Rusty’s wedding! Their ceremony at Immaculate Conception was emotional…the homily really spoke to us and reminded us to appreciate all we have right now. Despite the craziness, we have each other and must chose each other every day. *Tears* Check out Carly and Rusty’s Bride Film now!